Technical Notes -- #5 (tech_cnv.txt v1.2) GRiD Model G24-2260 *********** Notes on running UCS software on a Convertible. ************** The following instructions assume you are familiar with basic DOS commands such as dir, type, cd, etc., and that you have the file "config.sys" and the file "autoexec.bat" at the root of your boot drive. Also you must have a text editor available and be familiar with its operation. UCS software runs on an MS-DOS compatible machine in conjunction with a special operating environment provided by GRiD systems. As with many MS-DOS applications, UCS software requires expanded memory to run properly. The special operating environment is provided on UCS demo diskettes and will be loaded and unloaded when you run the batch file to launch UCS software. However, you must explicitly provide expanded memory on your machine for UCS software to run properly. The expanded memory manager ("emm386.exe") must be present on your machine and loaded in your config.sys. It is NOT provided on the UCS demo diskette. The following must appear in config.sys: device=himem.sys device=emm386.exe 1008 ram Frame=c000 I=c000-cFFF I=ec00-eFFF Where is the DOS path to your expanded memory driver. A typical path might be "c:\windows\". That is all that is required. See the file "readme.txt" for general instructions on running UCS software. Call Ted Pryor at UCS, Inc. (305)771-8116 if you have questions/problems.